CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a web development language used to describe the presentation of an HTML document when displayed or rendered

Filed under

CSS ("Cascading Style Sheets") is a language (not a programming language) for describing the properties of elements in HTML documents. Commonly, these properties have an impact on the look and/or feel fo the elements, therefore making CSS to be commonly considered a language to describe how an HTML page would look like.

CSS definitions can be contained inside an HTML file, as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
			.important {
				font-weight: bold;
			.warning {
				color: red;
		<h1>Sample that uses CSS</h1>
		<p>Welcome to the sample program. <span class="important">Now we are saying that this
		is how things should be done.</span> Before CSS, this was not how things
		<span class="warning">used to be</span>.</p>

Or the definitions can be contained in a separate file, referenced from the HTML file, as follows:


.important {
	font-weight: bold;
.warning {
	color: red;


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
		<h1>Sample that uses CSS</h1>
		<p>Welcome to the sample program. <span class="important">Now we are saying that this
		is how things should be done.</span> Before CSS, this was not how things
		<span class="warning">used to be</span>.</p>

Additional information


CSS Selectors

Structuring HTML, CSS and Javascript content

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