The following operators are supported in Sling expressions, sorted according to their type and precedence:

Legacy Static Cast Expression

(<data type>)	Convert the data type of a variable to another (for backwards compatibility only, use "as" or "as!" operators instead)

Pre Unary Expressions

+	Explicitly mark an expression as a positive number
-	Change the sign of a number expression
!	Change the logical value to opposite
not	Change the logical value to opposite
~	Bitwise not operation
++	Increment value by one
--	Decrement value by one

Post Unary Expressions

++	Increment value by one after determining the value of the expression
--	Decrement value by one after determining the value of the expression

Operative Binary Expressions (2)

*	Multiplication
/	Division
%	Modulo (remainder)

Operative Binary Expressions (1)

|	Bitwise OR
^	Bitwise XOR
&	Bitwise AND
<<	Bit Shift Left
>>	Bit Shift Right
+	Addition
-	Subtraction
..	String Concatenation

Comparison Binary Expressions

==	Equality
!=	Not equality
<	Less than
<=	Less or equal than
>	Greater than
>=	Greater or equal than
is	Runtime data type checking
as	Dynamic type casting
as!	Static type casting

Logical Binary Expressions

||	Logical OR
&&	Logical AND

Conditional Expression

<condition> ? <true expression> : <false expresion>

Assignment Expressions

=	Assignment
+=	Increment assignment
-=	Decrement assignment
|=	Bitwise OR assignment
&=	Bitwise AND assignment
^=	Bitwise XOR assignment
/=	Division assignment
*=	Multiplication assignment
%=	Modulo assignment
<<=	Bit shift left assignment
>>=	Bit shift right assignment
>>>=	Bit shift right assignment and clear the leftmost bits

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