The Eqela Runtime (eqelart) in itself is a small networked tool and a scripting host that is really meant to be used for integrating different, external tools to accomplish and complete a task. It has the ability to dynamically download and cache the necessary tools and to execute them on demand.

The Eqela Runtime can download and cache tools from a remote repository and run them on demand. The syntax is as follows:

eqela vendor:tool:version command <parameters>

For example, to run the Sling compiler release 311 and get usage instructions:

eqela eqela:slingc:r311 slingc -help

Note that there is no need for a separate "installation of the Sling compiler" prior to doing this. The Eqela runtime will take care of that.

To get a hex dump of a file:

eqela eqela:jsh:r2 hexdump myfile.txt

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